Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Grave Story behind Balloons

I love colours, without a doubt. When I think about my own wedding, I can see the event in my mind's eye, splashed with vivid colours, vivacious and reverberating life. Balloons were one of the ideas listed on my list, to add colours to the whole event.

What's not to love about balloons? They add a whimsical touch to the whole picture. Big bunches of balloons that one could hold on to and almost float away with the wind, almost. The idea of landing wherever the wind blows, like a dandelion seed spiralling in the wind is almost childlike and carefree, romantic.

I have seen photos of how balloons can, under a skilled and creative photographer, be transformed into something dreamy, romantic or childlike. I love the photos taken by Bittersweet Photography by joseph:

 bittersweetbyjoseph: Ian & Ee Jia

bittersweetbyjoseph: Eric & Priscilla
I must admit that I was shortsighted, being caught up in the desire for my wedding to be colourful and aesthetically pleasing. As much as the balloons might liven up the whole event, it comes with a price that I am unwilling to pay. The following article, although not related to my wedding, came with a very grave message and caused me to rethink about using balloons at my wedding:

Ponggol Balloon Released Canned

By the way, the Ponggol resident Cherh Kah Leng, is one of my dearest friends and we both share a love in preserving our environment and leaving a legacy for our future generation. We knew each other when we both started our flying career almost seven years ago, together with our dear Vera. She left flying to further her education in marine biology and continue her efforts at preserving the marine ecology. She is one the friends that I am truly and fiercely proud of. In her honour, NO BALLOONS shall be used at my wedding. Any balloons which might used during photography sessions will be responsibly disposed of.

This news article had came in very timely and I am glad that it reminded me of the repercussions and the heavy price I have to pay for a colourful, balloon-filled wedding:


A beautiful day with gorgeous weather... the happy bride and groom said "I do", a kiss exchanged, champagne popped, and balloons released. A truly beautiful and joyous moment.

The newlyweds tossed their handheld bouquet to their single friends, and with the well wishes of their loved ones departed in their bridal car, ready to embark on their exciting twosome journey.

Meanwhile balloons floated higher and higher, out of sight, out of mind, a colour but trivial role in the wedding. Sometime soon, they were bound to burst and descend back earth, limp pieces of rubber. Some will find their way to the stomachs of hungry and inquisitive wildlife, either serving a quick death by suffocation or a slow gruesome death by clogging their intestines.Some will be washed back to the shore as unsightly litter.

Not to mention a waste of finite resources: helium.


I am unwilling to let my special day be stained by the lingering and damaging effects of littering, marine pollution and the possibility of taking the lives of wildlife.

Balloons blow, don't let them go.

Some food for thought.